Chapter 14 Resources for the User

14.1 Introduction

Section 14.2 lists the R packages that we have used in the different chapters. Section 14.3 shows a few examples of custom functions we have developed to facilitate some repetitive calculations; details are available in the GitHub link associated with the book. A user must source these files before running the code in each chapter. Section 14.4 presents often used R-INLA items, pulled into one place for the user.

14.2 Packages used in the book

package version source
astsa 1.13 CRAN (R 4.1.0)
dlm 1.1-5 CRAN (R 4.1.0)
gridExtra 2.3 CRAN (R 4.1.0)
gtools 3.8.2 CRAN (R 4.1.0)
INLA 21.02.23 local
kableExtra 1.3.4 CRAN (R 4.1.0)
lubridate 1.7.10 CRAN (R 4.1.0)
mapview 2.9.0 CRAN (R 4.1.0)
marima 2.2 CRAN (R 4.1.0)
Matrix 1.5-1 CRAN (R 4.1.2)
matrixcalc 1.0-5 CRAN (R 4.1.0)
mvtnorm 1.1-1 CRAN (R 4.1.0)
quantmod 0.4.20 CRAN (R 4.1.2)
raster 3.4-10 CRAN (R 4.1.0)
readxl 1.3.1 CRAN (R 4.1.0)
sf 0.9-8 CRAN (R 4.1.0)
spdep 1.1-8 CRAN (R 4.1.0)
tables 0.9.6 CRAN (R 4.1.0)
tidyverse 1.3.1 CRAN (R 4.1.0)
tmap 3.3-1 CRAN (R 4.1.0)
vars 1.5-6 CRAN (R 4.1.0)

14.3 Custom functions used in the book

We show different custom functions that we have developed for the user. They are grouped by functionality. The user must source the file containing these functions before running the code, as we show in the beginning of each chapter in the book. All codes and datasets used in the book can be accessed from

Basic plotting functions

multiline.plot <-
           title = "",
           xlab = "",
           ylab = "",
           line.type = "solid",
           line.size = 1,
           line.color = "auto") {
    cpalette <-
    cname <- c("black", "blue", "green", "blue", "red", "purple")
    mp <- %>%
      pivot_longer(-time, names_to = "key", values_to = "dat")
    u <- unique(mp$key)
    mp$key <- factor(mp$key, levels = u)
    levels(mp$key) <- u <- mp %>%
      ggplot(aes(x = time, y = dat, color = key)) +
      geom_line(size = line.size, linetype = line.type) +
      labs(x = xlab, y = ylab, colour = "") +
    mp.custom.color <- mp %>%
      ggplot(aes(x = time, y = dat, color = key)) +
      geom_line(size = line.size, linetype = line.type) +
      scale_color_manual(values = cpalette[match(line.color, cname)]) +
      labs(x = xlab, y = ylab, colour = "") +
  ifelse(line.color == "auto", return(,

Functions for forecast evaluation

mae <- function(yhold,
                text = NA,
                round.digit = 3) {
  efore <- yhold - yfore 
  mae <-  mean(abs(efore))
  if ( {
    return(paste("MAE is", round(mae, round.digit), sep = " "))
  } else {
    return(paste(text, round(mae, round.digit), sep = " "))
mape <- function(yhold,
                 text = NA,
                 round.digit = 3) {
  efore <- yhold - yfore 
  mape <-  mean(abs(efore / yhold))
  if ( {
    return(paste("MAPE is", round(mape * 100, round.digit), sep = " "))
  } else {
    return(paste(text, round(mape * 100, round.digit), sep = " "))

Function for model comparison

# Model Selection Criteria - DIC, WAIC, PSBF and PIT
model.selection.criteria <- function(inla.result, plot.PIT = FALSE,
                                     n.train) {
  dic <- inla.result$dic$dic
  waic <- inla.result$waic$waic
  cpo <- inla.result$cpo$cpo
  psbf <- sum(log(cpo[1:n.train]))
  PIT <- inla.result$cpo$pit
  msc <- cbind(DIC=dic, WAIC = waic, PsBF = psbf)
    pit.hist <- hist(PIT, plot = F)
    return(list(msc = msc, hist=plot(pit.hist, main ="")))
  } else{
    return(msc = msc)

Function for the filtering algorithm in DLM

filt.inla <-
           model = "rw1",
           ar.order = 0,
           trend = "no",
           alpha = "no") {
    pt <- proc.time()
    ### model formula
    eg <- expand.grid(
      model = c("rw1", "ar"),
      trend = c("yes", "no"),
      alpha = c("yes", "no")
    eg <- apply(eg, 2, as.character)
    choice <- paste0(c(model, trend, alpha), collapse = ".")
    dat <- filt <- vector("list", length(data.series))
    for (k in 1:length(data.series)) {
      dat[[k]] <- data.series[1:k]
    get.filter <- function(df, ar.order) {
      id <- trnd <- 1:length(df)
      inla.dat <- = df, trnd, id)
      ar.order <- as.numeric(ar.order)
      formula <- switch(
        "" = as.formula(
          paste0("data.series~-1+", "f(id, model='rw1', constr=FALSE)")
        "" = as.formula(
            "f(id, model='rw1', constr=FALSE)"
        "" = as.formula(
          paste0("data.series~ 1+", "f(id, model='rw1', constr=FALSE)")
        "rw1.yes.yes" = as.formula(
          paste0("data.series~ 1+trnd+", "f(id, model='rw1', constr=FALSE)")
        "" = as.formula(
          paste0("data.series~ -1+", "f(id, model='ar', order = ar.order)")
        "" = as.formula(
            "data.series~ -1+trnd+",
            "f(id, model='ar', order = ar.order)"
        "" = as.formula(
          paste0("data.series~ 1+", "f(id, model='ar', order = ar.order)")
        "ar.yes.yes" = as.formula(
            "data.series~ 1+trnd+",
            "f(id, model='ar', order = ar.order)"
      model.inla <- inla(
        family = "gaussian",
        data = inla.dat,
        control.predictor = list(compute = TRUE),
        control.compute = list(
          dic = T,
          config = TRUE,
          cpo = TRUE
        verbose = T
      filt <- tail(model.inla$summary.random$id, 1)
      return(filt = filt)
    #### model execution
    cores <-  detectCores()
    if (cores > 2) {
      registerDoParallel(cores = detectCores() - 1)
    if (ar.order > 1) {
      filt.all <-
        foreach (
          d = (2 + ar.order):length(data.series),
          .packages = c('tidyverse', 'INLA'),
          .verbose = T
        ) %dopar% {
          get.filter(dat[[d]], ar.order = ar.order)
    } else{
      filt.all <-
        foreach (
          d = 2:length(data.series),
          .packages = c('tidyverse', 'INLA'),
          .verbose = T
        ) %dopar% {
          get.filter(dat[[d]], ar.order = ar.order)
    filt.all.bind <- bind_rows(filt.all)
    # filt.est <- c(NA, filt.all$mean)
    inla.time <- proc.time() - pt
    return(list(filt.all.bind = filt.all.bind, time.taken = inla.time))

14.3.1 rgeneric() function for DLM-VAR model

inla.rgeneric.VAR_1 <-
  function(cmd = c("graph",
           theta = NULL)
    interpret.theta <- function() {
      n.phi <- k * k * p
      n.prec <- k
      n.tot <- n.phi + n.prec
      phi.VAR <-
        sapply(theta[as.integer(1:n.phi)], function(x) {
      # W matrix  precisions
      wprec <-
        sapply(theta[as.integer((n.phi + 1):(n.phi + n.prec))],
               function(x) {
      param <- c(phi.VAR, wprec)
      W <- diag(1, n.prec) <- 1 / sqrt(wprec) <-
        matrix(, ncol = 1) %*% matrix(, nrow = 1)
      W <- W *
      PREC <- solve(W)
        param = param,
        VACOV = W,
        PREC = PREC,
        phi.vec = c(phi.VAR)
        n.phi = n.phi,
        n.prec = n.prec
    #Precision matrix
    Q <- function() {
      param <- interpret.theta()
      phi.mat <- matrix(param$phi.vec, nrow = k)
      sigma.w.inv <- param$PREC
      A <- t(phi.mat) %*% sigma.w.inv %*% phi.mat
      B <- -t(phi.mat) %*% sigma.w.inv
      C <- sigma.w.inv
      # Construct mid-block:
      zero.mat <- matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = 2 * n)
      # Define the matrix block:
      mat <- cbind(t(B), A + C, B)
      # Initializing column id and matrix list: <- list()
      mat.list <- list()[[1]] <- 1:(3 * k)
      mat.list[[1]] <- zero.mat
      mat.list[[1]][,[[1]]] <- mat
      for (id in 2:(n - 2)) { <-[[id - 1]][1] + k
        end.d <- + (3 * k - 1)[[id]] <-
        mat.list[[id]] <- zero.mat
        mat.list[[id]][,[[id]]] <- mat
      mid.block <-, mat.list)
      tau.val <- 0.1
      diffuse.prec <- tau.val * diag(1, k)
      # Construct first and last row blocks and then join with mid block:
      first.row.block <-
        cbind(A + diffuse.prec, B, matrix(0, nrow = k, ncol = (k * n - k ^ 2)))
      last.row.block <-
        cbind(matrix(0, nrow = k, ncol = k * n - k ^ 2), t(B), C)
      toep.block.mat <-
        rbind(first.row.block, mid.block, last.row.block)
      # Changing to a sparse Matrix:
      prec.mat <- Matrix(toep.block.mat, sparse = TRUE)
    # Graph function: Essentially Q matrix
    graph = function() {
      return (
    #Mean of model
    mu <- function() {
    # Log normal constant:
    log.norm.const <- function() {
      Q <- Q()
      log.det.val <-
        Matrix::determinant(Q, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus
      val <- (-k * n / 2) * log(2 * pi) + 0.5 * log.det.val
      return (val)
    log.prior <- function() {
      param <- interpret.theta()
      pars <- param$param
      k <- k
      total.par <- param$n.phi + param$n.prec
      # Normal prior for phi's:
      theta.phi <- theta[1:param$n.phi]
      phi.prior <-
        sum(sapply(theta.phi, function(x)
            mean = 0,
            sd = 1,
            log = TRUE
      theta.prec <-
        theta[(param$n.phi + 1):(param$n.phi + param$n.prec)]
      prec.prior <-
        sum(sapply(theta.prec, function(x)
            shape = 1,
            scale = 1,
            log = TRUE
      prec.jacob <- sum(theta.prec) # This is for precision terms
      prior.val <- phi.prior + prec.prior + prec.jacob
      return (prior.val)
    initial = function() {
      phi.init <- c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
      prec.init <- rep(1, k)
      init <- c(phi.init, prec.init)
      return (init)
    if (as.integer(R.version$major) > 3) {
      if (!length(theta))
        theta <- initial()
    } else {
      if (is.null(theta)) {
        theta <- initial()
    val <-, args = list())
    return (val)

14.4 Often used R-INLA items

Control options

Control options in the inla() function allow us to specify choices about the estimation process and output reporting. In Table 14.1, we list (in alphabetical order) a set of control options that are most relevant for dynamic time series modeling, along with their descriptions. Each control option has a manual page that can be accessed in the usual way, e.g., ?control.compute, with detailed information about the option. In addition, the list of options for each control argument and their default values can be obtained with functions inla.set.control.default(), where CONTROL refers to the control argument. For example, for the argument control.compute, the list of options and default values can be obtained with inla.set.control.compute.default(). More details on these, as well as other inla() control options, can be seen on the R-INLA website.

TABLE 14.1: Common control options – a quick lookup.
Options Descriptions Used in Chapter
control.compute Specify what to actually compute during model fitting Ch. 5-7 Specify model likelihood Ch. 3-12
control.fixed Options on fixed effects in a model Ch. 3-4 Defines the order of the model, as in AR(p) Ch. 3, 8
control.inla Options on how the method is used in model fitting Ch. 3, 12
control.lincomb Options on how to compute linear combinations Ch. 12 Ch. 12
control.predictor Options on computing the linear predictor Ch. 3-12

Options for computing marginals

Often used options for computing various marginal distributions are shown in Table 14.2. We have used some of these options in various sections in the book.

TABLE 14.2: Functions on marginals
Function Description
inla.dmarginal Compute the density function
inla.pmarginal Compute the cumulative probability function
inla.qmarginal Compute a quantile
inla.rmarginal Draw a random sample
inla.hpdmarginal Compute the highest posterior density (HPD) credible interval
inla.smarginal Spline smoothing of the posterior marginal
inla.emarginal Compute the expected value of a function
inla.mmarginal Compute the posterior mode
inla.tmarginal Transform a marginal using a function
inla.zmarginal Compute summary statistics

Random effect specifications

R-INLA allows several specifications for handling random effects under different situations. Table 14.3 shows a collection of available effects from which a user may choose a suitable specification.

TABLE 14.3: Random Effects in R-INLA.
Name Description
iid Independent and identically distributed Gaussian random effect
z Classical specification of random effects
generic0 Generic specification (type 0)
generic1 Generic specification (type 1)
generic2 Generic specification (type 2)
generic3 Generic specification (type 3)
rw1 Random walk of order 1
rw2 Random walk of order 2
crw2 Continuous random walk of order 2
seasonal Seasonal variation with a given periodicity
ar1 Autoregressive model of order 1
ar Autoregressive model of arbitrary order
iid1d Correlated random effects of dimension 1
iid2d Correlated random effects of dimension
iid3d Correlated random effects of dimension 3
iid4d Correlated random effects of dimension 4
iid5d Correlated random effects of dimension 5

Prior specifications

Table 14.4 shows a list of priors available in R-INLA. This table is similar to Table 5.2 in Gómez-Rubio (2020). These specifications enable a user to set priors for latent effects or hyperparameters. More details are available on the R-INLA website.

TABLE 14.4: Summary of priors implemented in R-INLA.
Prior Description Parameters
normal Gaussian prior mean, precision
gaussian Gaussian prior mean, precision
loggamma log-Gamma prior shape, rate
logtnormal Truncated (positive) Gaussian prior mean, precision
logtgaussian Truncated (positive) Gaussian prior mean, precision
flat Flat (improper) prior on \(\theta\)
logflat Flat (improper prior) on \(\exp(\theta)\)
logiflat Flat (improper prior) on \(\exp(-\theta)\)
mvnorm Multivarite Normal prior
dirichlet Dirichlet prior \(\alpha\)
betacorrelation Beta prior for correlation \(a,~b\)
logitbeta Beta prior, logit-scale \(a,~ b\)
jeffreystdf Jeffreys prior
table User defined prior
expression User defined prior
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